Keyword research

ood SEO proof content doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. Content needs to be relevant and well written. In other words, content needs to satisfy the visitors’ need for information about a specific product, service or opinion. It is key to conduct a keyword research while focussing on the search behaviour of your customers: which keywords does your target audience search for in Google?

The right keywords for the right audience

Using the right keywords and making sure your content is interesting enough for visitors to stay on your website or even refer it to another potential customer should be your main goal when writing content for your website. You want the visitor to stay on your webpage. Or, rather, click to a next page. On the other hand, you want to prevent the visitor from leaving your webpage right away. Using a comprehensive keyword research can accurately determine which words your audience use to find your product or service in Google. Also, we look at the competition to make sure you score well in search results when those keywords are typed.

Using a whole stack of tools, we’re able to support you in making the right choices in keyword use. Having the right keywords will at least increase the relevance to the demands or wishes your visitors have. Relying on your gut feeling is, in this case, not the way to go. We’ll make sure you know exactly what keywords to use, based on well-thought-out research.

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